Florence Elizabeth Galton

Forename(s): Florence Elizabeth

Surname: Galton

Date of birth: 1902 (approx., calculated)

Date of death: 5 May 1942

Date of burial: 13 May 1942

Age at death: 40 years

Address: Twyford' Minerva Road, E. Cowes

Died at: East Cowes

Section: E - Cemetery map

Plot No: 432  Section map of plots

    See others in this section

Burial Register entry: Kingston   11172

Air Raid Victim.

External link(s):

   Isle of Wight Memorials

Also in this plot:

   George Henry Sykes

   William John Broadwater

   Naomi Broadwater

   Robert Frank Galton

   Maureen Jean Galton

Kingston Cemetery

Civiliam War Memorial

Name recorded on Civilian War Memorial